Helen Buluma finally Fired from Nocma

By Staff Reporter
Details have emerged that the Board of National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) terminated the employment contract of Acting Chief Executive Officer Helen Buluma on Tuesday 15 November 2022 in compliance with the determination of the Ombudsman on 31 October.
In a letter signed by Collen Zamba, the Chairperson of the NOCMA Board, the termination follows legal advice from the Attorney General that the determination of the Ombudsman has to be complied with.

Social media has been awash with a resignation letter purportedly written by Buluma but backdated to 14 November, a day before she was fired.
Inside sources say the NOCMA Board proposed to have more players in the fuel supply chain and that Buluma should follow proper procurement procedures for bringing fuel into the country. The board put forward the suggestions to ease the fuel situation in the country which Buluma disregarded.
Efforts to speak to Buluma proved futile as her phones went unanswered.- MBC Online Services.