
Attorney General Silungwe says Firing Kunje,Mathanga means MEC dissolved

By staff reporter

Following the decision by government to rescind the appointment of the two, the office of the Attorney General has advised the Commission to momentarily cease its operations.The Commission has been further advised that the remaining members of the Commission should not continue discharging any duties or powers of the Commission until section 75 (1) of the Constitution has been complied with.

A statement signed by MEC Chairperson, Chifundo Kachale, the Commission has henceforth no legal authority or basis to continue implementing its activities which become suspended by operation of the law until further notice. “The immediate practical implication is that the program of engagement with Political Party Leaders and the entire Boundary Review and Delimitation Programme is likewise suspended, pending the resolution of the current legal quagmire surrounding the composition of the Electoral Commission by the relevant authorities.” says Kachale. Government spokesperson, Gospel Kazako said the firing of the two is in line with what the Supreme Court of Appeal recommended.

Kunje is said to be consulting her legal team on whether to challenge the decision by government or not.

Attorney general Silungwe

Earlier on Attorney General, Chikosa Silungwe said the decision by government to fire two MEC commissioners means that there is no Electoral Commission in accordance with section 75(1) of the constitution. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Zangazanga Chikhosi yesterday informed Jean Mathanga and Linda Kunje that their appointment was rescinded after the courts declared them incompetent. Meanwhile, Silungwe has written MEC informing them that the firing of Linda Kunje and Jean Mathanga means that there is no Electoral Commission.Silungwe has further advised the remaining commissioners not to discharge any duties until section 75(1) of the constitution has been compiled with. The section requires that there be a quorum of not less than six commissioners for the body to carry out it’s duties.


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