Court trims down Zambian national’s 15 years prison sentence to 8 years over ivory possession

By Chisomo Phiri
The high Court in Lilongwe has on Thursday announced reducing the 15 years sentence to 8 years of a Zambian National, Kelby Roy Malambo who was convicted and sentenced by the lower court after being found with Elephant Ivory.
Previously,the lower court found three charges on the crime that Malambo committed.
The three charges were that of being found in possession of specimen of listed species, dealing in government trophy and importing specimen of listed species without producing to a customs officer a valid permit.

However, Malambo was not satisfied with the ruling by the lower court and he appealed at the high Court in Lilongwe for the case to be dismissed.
In reaction to the reduced sentence, Counsel Hannah Supply Kamange lawyer for Lilongwe World life Trust (LWT) said the reduction of the sentence has shocked them since they were satisfied with the initial sentence that the lower court made and that it was appropriate.
However, she said they are still delighted that the High Court judge has maintained the findings of the Lower court and has condemned the behavior of the appellant and others like him.
She further expressed her organisations’s commitment in gearing for the protection of Wild life in the country and that as LWT they will continue with fight illegal Wild life trade and trafficking.
Malambo, 47, was arrested at Mwami Border Total Filling Station in Mchinji in February, 2021.
He comes from Livingstone City in Monze District in Zambia.
He was found with 22 pieces of raw ivory, weighing 64.905 kilograms and valued at about MK53 million.