Orders from above to keep Helen Buluma at NOCMA to avoid exposure of looting

By Clement Bwanali
An illegal contract given to Acting Chief Executive Officer for NOCMA Helen Buluma by former President Authur Peter Mutharika has been extended, SPC Coleen Zamba has confirmed to MBC and Zodiak.
The truth that Malawians need to know is that there are four factors at play:

The first factor is that there has been so much looting at NOCMA such that the powers that be are fearing that if someone comes in, he or she may not play ball and may expose the plunders of public resources there.
The second factor is that following a meeting that took place on 2nd April 2022 chaired by the State President where current supply contracts were extended without bidding, a deal was struck that the fuel suppliers should be generating $4 million per month. Now Buluma is using this arrangement to which she is a party to blackmail the powerful and mighty of this government to either keep her on the job or face exposure.
The third reason is that Buluma has recordings of meetings where financial deals were discussed and she is threatening to expose such recordings.
The fourth reason is that most of the board members were given money and the exchanges were recorded and they are now under the blackmail to support Buluma’s contract renewal or face exposure.
How do you explain renewal of an employment contract on an illegal, controversial position in a public organisation?
Malawians should be told why NOCMA has run for two years now without a full executive management. Many in the country know that members of the mighty MCP at all levels including the foot soldiers wonder why Buluma, a DPP functionary they fought to get Dr Chakwera to State House has suddenly become more powerful than those that were supporting the fight against Buluma and her DPP.