Malawi lifts Tanzania maize import ban over maize necrosis disease

By Chisomo Phiri
The Malawi government, through the Ministry of Agriculture has lifted the ban on the importation of maize from Tanzania that was imposed
due to the presence of Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) in the East African country.
In a statement, Secretary for Agriculture Dickxie Kampani says the Ministry has been in constant communication with the
Tanzanian Plant Health and Pesticides Authority to share information on the prevalence of the disease.

“From the discussion and reports provided, the Tanzanian authority have submitted evidence and demonstrated that the disease has been contained,” says Kampani.
He adds:”Given this position, traders are permitted to import maize from Tanzania after getting the necessary import authorization and documentation including sanitary and phytosanitary authorization from both Malawian and Tanzanian authorities.”
MLND is a serious disease of maize causing severe symptoms, such as leaf necrosis, premature aging, small cobs and even plant death, which dramatically reduce maize yield.