Mtambo celebrates 39th birthday as calls grow for him to address Malawians

By Monica Kulesa
Timothy Mtambo, the Commander in Chief of the People Power Movement, Citizens for Transformation (CFT) and often described as the ” son of the struggle” due to his leading of the demonstration that unseated Mutharika and DPP from power is celebrating his 39th birthday.
Such is the calibre of the man, the fearless nurture of him that many get shocked to learn that he is only 39. At that age he has already been a cabinet minister and those that have a good understanding of politics knows this is just the beginning and Mtambo hasn’t reached his peak yet and is yet to deliver more to Malawians
Mtambo’s birthday celebration has ignited the calls from a cross section of Malawians that it’s time he addresses Malawians. Mtambo was a Cabinet Minister in the Tonse Alliance government until he was dropped from the cabinet earlier this year. Since then, he has gone into voluntary hibernation to the surprise of many Malawians who are used to knowing him as outspoken and not shy of the limelight.

Levi Banda, a Malawian based in Lusaka and a member of Development Malawi Think tank group told this publication that it’s now time that Mtambo has to tell Malawians what he stands for
” You know Many Malawians followed Mtambo, he led a movement that believed Malawi will head into the right direction and that the despotic regime of Mutharika needed to go- so now it is only inevitable that the voice of the people should not go missing but come out and address Malawi” said Banda.
” We basically demand that Mtambo address Malawians ” concluded Banda
These remarks were similarly echoed by a cross section on social Media who often are asking Mtambo to come in the open , answer some tough questions and provide direction to the people power movement.
Mtambo , was once described by a Professor of Politics at UK based University of Central Lancashire as a young politician who has the supernatural ability to connect with local people. He described Mtambo as falling in the same category of Julias Malemas and Thomas Sankara’s, so revolutionary ,articulate, fearless and ready to be the voice of the voiceless.