NGO aims to train youths that drops from tertiary education on financial grounds

By Chisomo Phiri
As one way of empowering youths economically in the country, a Machinjiri-based youth-led non-governmental organization in Blantyre , Young Empowers Organization ( YEO) has embarked on a project to train youths who failed to attend tertiary education on financial issues several course which will help them to find jobs or start businesses and be self-reliant in future.
In a separate interview, the organization’s Executive Director Steven Jonathan said their organization work hand in hand with the youths, bringing them together and share with them ideas on how to develop Malawi.
” We as young empowers organization, we work hand in hand with the youths across the country, bringing them together, and share with them ideas so as to implement activities that can benefit them in life. By doing so, we also contribute to the development of this nation.
The main aim of these short trainings s is to help those youths who failed to go to universities and colleges because of the financial problems able to study these short trainings in order for them to get a a paper which they can use to get a job or start businesses and survive in life, ” said Jonathan.
He said, the courses that the organization offers are not specific and that it depends on the majority of those who have qualified , choose what they want to study at a particular period of time.

” The courses we offer are not specific. Mostly, it depends on majority of youths who have qualified, choose what they want to study at that particular period of time. Our partners in Thailand offer what these youths have chosen, ” he said.
Jonathan said, despite the challenges they meet, it is still their organization’s wish to reach out all the youths across the country with the program.
” We have challenges such as lack of financial support for our works as you know that mobilizing resources requires financial help.
He however, urged youths who do not have the chance to attend tertiary education due to financial constraints in the country to apply for these short trainings which will enable them to get a job and get employed.
” These short trainings are very important if the one is to get a job for we offer accredited certificates. Several organizations and individuals are commending the good job we doing,” said Jonathan.
He called on government and other stakeholders to financially support the organization so as it reaches out to many youths in the country.
” I call on government and stakeholders to that now it is time to start support youths activities that can also motivate them. Youths contribute a lot towards the development of this country, so they deserve attention and support,” he said.
Currently, the organization with the support from Cooperative Training Bangkok in Thailand( CTB) is conducting the online short trainings. For the one to be qualified in the trainings, he or she has to be a person who is able to speak and write English.