
Bushiri mourns daughter-‘if not blocked to get treatment she could have lived’

By Durrell Namasani

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has officially confirmed the death of his daughter Isrealla Bushiri . Social media was awash with rumours that the 8 year old , who was battling sickle cell anaemia and was in hospital in Kenya had passed on. It was until the Prophet Bushiri himself confirmed the sad news that reality hit home for most people that indeed the young and innocent israella is no more.

In a statement that acknowledged the will of God in these circumstances , Prophet Bushiri also took time to report of what the doctors had told him about her daughter highlighting that delay in seeking treatment for her might have caused her death. Bushiri, who is facing Charges in South Africa found himself initially being denied to fly her daughter to Kenya for teatment “When I spoke to the Doctor, he highlighted that if she had not been blocked at the airport the first time she needed to travel to Kenya for medical assistance, she wouldn’t have passed on. It is very disheartening and sad, therefore, that my daughter has become a victim of the persecutions that we are facing from South Africa. However, my wife and I, bow to God’s sovereignty and as this is his will, it could have happened anyway” reads Bushiri statement

Israella Bushiri-

Bushiri statement read “It is with deep sadness that I announce the passing on of my daughter, Israella Bushiri.As a Father it was my desire to see her grow and serve the Lord, however, the will of God was for her to return back to Him. Israella was born during a time when my wife and I were going through great persecution, and she has lived her life witnessing what it means to fight and labor for the Lord despite trials and battles.

She came at a time when we really needed her and through it all, she offered my wife and I, including the entire church great comfort and enlightenment. We are a church built on faith and if we aren’t careful to observe the ways of the Lord, we can mistake God’s will for God’s punishment. If things could be reversed we would have desired it to be so. However, the will of the Lord is above our desires. We have experienced it and have accepted it”

Many people have expressed sadness and offered the Prophet words of comfort . Bushiri said the death of her daughter is sad but that him and his family will choose to celebrate her life “Today, my wife and I choose not to mourn her but to celebrate her life. I do not believe that the devil could take the life of my daughter. She was a child of God and she passed on to be with Him according to His will. We prayed and we fasted, we commanded out- and in this week, when the Lord spoke to me that it will be a week of His will- His will has taken place.Family, join me, not in mourning as those without hope but in celebrating the life of Saint Israella”

Details of funeral arrangements will be announced later


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