
MRP says Government doing business with Sattar highlights Malawi is captured

By Vincent Gunde

President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, has described Government entering into business dealiny with Corrupt Zuneth Sattar as a bombshell that highlights Malawi has been captured by mafias who call themselves politicians.

Jumah said by going back to the same corrupt businessman Sattar for 16 armored vehicles in the Malawi Defense Force (MDF), President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has proved himself as a pathological liar that today he promises this and tomorrow he does the other thing.


He said many are now wondering what type of a person is President Chakwera, a man of God or a liar reminding Malawians that in 2022 he received a report from the ACB of 84 suspects who have benefited with Sattar’s corruption money but only one person Dr. Saulosi Chilima appeared in court, the rest have their identities hidden and all are free.

Speaking through his face book page widely followed by millions of Malawians and Africans across the continent, Jumah said it is the same Sattar who has been inflating prices buying a car at 20,000 US Dollars selling government at 200,000 US Dollars and today, Government has awarded him a contract of 19 million US Dollars which is approximately K83 billion.

Jumh said ever since President Chakwera was elected into government in June, 2020 he has never walked his talk saying corruption has become a cancer in MCP, each and every lifestyle of Malawians has been devastated, no medicines in hospitals, fertilizer price up, skyrocketing prices of essential goods making Malawi to be a country of no future.

He said Malawi needs no other than the Revolutionaries to sweep out all politics of corruption, nepotism for servant leadership so that citizens not die with the same history of poverty but dying after seeing the country’s prosperity.

The MRP President said time for revolution is now, people who can change the country are revolutionaries so that Malawi don’t go back to politics of selfishness but politics of development, conscious and servant leadership.

“We are a group of revolutionaries, we don’t need money but Malawi to change to Qatar of Africa, you will see a politician not joining politics again only revolutionaries,” said Jumah.

He expressed his sadness that the roads of Malawi were designed by the colonial government of Sir Roy Welensky observing that six governments have ruled the country using the same roads with no change while people’s taxes were entering into crooked politician’s pockets.

Jumah said what is worrying him most is that 80 percent of the majority population live in the rural areas, they have been paying taxes for 61 years but their roads and bridges are impassable speaking for itself that Malawi is a country without a vision.


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