DODMA should use stadiums as Cyclone Freddy victims camps not schools”-Atupele Muluzi

By Chisomo Phiri
Former United Democratic Front (UDF) President, Atupele Muluzi has asked the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) to consider using the county’s stadiums as camps for Cyclone Freddy victims and not schools.
The young Muluzi suggestion comes in at a time where authorities have temporarily suspended classes as some schools in the southern region are being used as camps.
In his Facebook post yesterday, Muluzi said he thinks that the suspension of classes is disruptive hence calling upon the ministry of education to come up with a solution for graduating classes by reopening schools as soon as possible.

He said he feels the use of stadiums by the department of disaster management will allow smooth running of operations related to assisting cyclone Freddy survivors.
“The use of stadiums would allow DODMA to carefully coordinate the rescue efforts, food distribution, and identification of real victims. Categorization of victims and creation of help packages in compliance with the needs of the victims,” reads part of his Facebook post.
Currently, DODMA is keeping thousands of Cyclone Freddy victims in classroom blocks as camps.